
Download & Install

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There are many different versions of UNIX, even Mac OS X is a UNIX based operating system! There are several UNIX-based OS, simply called Linux, that you are able to download for free. If you want to try to use Linux for free, download one of these following Linux OS. These Linux OS are featuring a Graphical User Interface (GUI) and also have terminal where you can perform UNIX commands.

- Ubuntu
This is the most popular OS and it is friendly for installing alongside Windows being already installed.
- Linux Mint
- OpenSuse.org
- Fedora Project
- Free BSD
This is a very light weight OS and it has less GUI.

FYI: Linux boot time is a lot faster than Windows and Mac OS X!

You will require a dual boot between your primary OS and and any of your best-suited LinuxOS. If you feel it is too risky to set a dual-boot, you can download VirtualBox and install it on Windows or MacOSX. VirtualBox is a free software that allows you to run other OS inside your primary OS without corrupting the boot settings. You can install Ubuntu, LinuxMint, OpenSUSE, or more on VirtualBox. - Virtual Box