Website Survey

We would like your feedback on the UNIX website. It is our goal for our website to be as user friendly and informative as possible. So, please take a few moments to complete this online survey. Your comments and suggestions will help us to serve you better.

Demographic Questions

What is your age?

What is your gender?

Is your visit to the UNIX website for your professional or personal interest?

Survey Questions

How often do you visit the UNIX website?

Was it easy to find the information you needed during today's visit?

Please provide additional information regarding items you were looking for on the UNIX website today. (OPTIONAL)

What are your main reasons for visiting the UNIX web site? [Select all that apply]

What do you like about the UNIX web site? [Select as many choices that apply

What could be improved about the UNIX web site? [Select all that apply]

How would you rate the UNIX web site overall?

Are there additional features or online services you would like us to include on the web site?

Please provide any other comments or suggestions about your experience with the UNIX web site