Home → History & Facts History & Facts Why is French the official language in Québec and how was Québec established?
Jacques Cartier

Jacques Cartier
Source: Parcours le monde

Originally, the French colonist Jacques Cartier colonized that territory in 1543 which was at first called New France. Samuel de Champlain, the another French colonist later came in 1603 and founded the city of Québec. Canada was originally colonized by the French explorers, farmers and merchant before the British. The British colonists came and defeated the French over 200 years later and took the territory of New France.
Samuel de Champlain

Samuel de Champlain
Source: Larousse

The French colonists in New France demanded to keep their French language and their culture at the same time the British did not want to lose the territory, so they agreed to keep both English and French language in Canada. The territory of New France was established in 1791 which became a colony of Québec. Finally, in 1867, Québec became the one of the first five official provinces of Canada Confederation. Québec always has been a French-speaking province for over 400 years. A law in the province of Québec passed which is called "La charte de la langue française" (Charter of the French Language, also known as "Loi 101" (Bill 101) in 1977. The law requires every advertisements, emergency signs, public signs, educations, medias, and so on to be only in French. Québec is the strictly French-speaking province of Canada. Québec map

Facts about Québec
This is what the province of Québec looks like, it is in the east part of Canada. The square kilometres is 1,542,056 (595,391 sq. mi.), believe it or not, it is bigger than Alaska! There are approximately 8 million residents (2011 Census of Canada).

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